Alhamdulillah, berjaya jugak nak buat blog nie. Setelah sekian lama ber'mimpi' nak buat blog, tetiba malam nie semua tu jadi kenyataan. Terima kasih kepada kawan-kawan yang banyak bagi inspiration yang 'tidak langsung'. Thanx you guys esp. ijok, ikhz, and an_urb. Jeles la tgk korang ader blog. Aku pun nak ada blog jugak. Wekekeke.
So, enjoy ur stay here. Nothin' interesting actually, juz some piece of crap that jump out from my mind. And I don't mind to have your comments, as long as it reasonable la. Hihi. Ok guys, stay Xantastico...!!!
At 10:33 AM,
Ikhwan Hayat said…
looks like i'm the first to give a comment here. yay!
welcome to the blogging world!
At 4:40 AM,
beeXan said…
That' not a comment... what la you... wekekeke :P
At 11:38 AM,
analogi said…
ehehe ... no comment
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