Xanotopia Version 1.0

The Realm Where Abijan Roam

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Confession of Boringness

1. Where have you been an hour ago?
- Home Sweet Home, sittin in front of tv watching Doraemon

2. state your FULL name?
- beeXan (that's my blog full name)

3. do you like your name?

- absolutely

4. can you remember what you did on the first day of your school?
- Asking my granny to stop following me to school

5. what do you want to be ten years from now?
- I want to be rich and live happily ever after with someone I love :P

6. what did u feel upon receiving surveys like these?
- feel nothing...

7. do u think u could live without a pc?
- Maybe... if I have a Mac

8. do u consider urself a generous person?
- sometimes

9. do u consider urself a rude person?
- If I have to...

10. have you ever eaten any exotic food?
- I've no idea how to categorized a food to be exotic...

11. what is the last illness that you had?
- Bored to death disease... got this after staying at home doing nothing for almost a month

12. do you like listening to rap music?
- sometimes... as long as it is a good music

13. have you ever thought of driving the train at LRT ?
- Well, not really. Anyway, It's not that challenging.

14. what did you do last November 1 2004?
- forgot already... let bygone be bygone

15. which do you prefer? sunny or rainy days?
- rainy days of course... its cooler in those days... wekekeke :P

16. when was the last time you browsed your (religion) holy book?
- Past two days

17. what perfumes do you like?
- Hugo Boss, Tommy Hillfiger, n Body Shop Perfumes

18. what is the brand of your first wristwatch?
- 'Pasar malam' brand. Well I had my first wristwatch when I was one. So my father bought me a toy one. Wekekeke

19. look behind you. what did you see?
- My book rack

20.Something about the person who gave you this.
- Actually she doesn't give me this. I copied it from her. And I don't know her really well.

21. do you sing while you are taking a bath?
- sometimes..

22. your last dream that you remembered?
- Being a superhero n fight evil that invades earth... well that's no joke... I'm a very imaginative person... hihihi :P

23.what do you usually say when you meet a friend?
- 'Eh, macam kenal la'

24. do you agree on the saying to forgive is to forget?
- Nope...

25. can you ride on a bicycle?
- of course la...

26. How bout a motor?
- I can ride a motor... but not often la... love to drive my car better

27. last thing you did before using the computer?
- read HWM Magazine

28. When was the last time your tears fall?
- ~~secreto~~

29. What do you wanna say to the person reading this?
- Congratulations, you have succesfully read my confession of boringness.

30.What is your favourite car ? Do you have a car right now?
- My favourite car??? My favourite car right now is my car la. If you're asking for my dream car, it would be Mazda RX8.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Dark Secret

Oprah show yesterday has a very interesting topic. What's your dark secret? Huhuhuhu. Well, for those who doesn't what a dark secret is, dark secret is rahsia kelam. Wekekekekek. Juz joking, actually dark secret is a secret u keep onto urself and its veeerrryyyyy dark. Kiranya dark side of you la. Ala macam katun Looney Tunes tu. Bila nak buat sesuatu jer, ada muncul devil n angel kat bahu the characters. And the dark secrets are alwiz represented by that devil la. There are some people revealed their dark secret during the show. Some of the dark secret are as follows; A mother of three who enjoys shoplifting, A married woman dreams being lesbian, A politician who was accused for sexual harrassment - the odd think is he's doing it to a man, Laki dah kawin mengaku bujang - benda ni banyak kat Mesia... oppss no offence, and A doctor who killed his own patient and buried her in a concrete coffin under a building

Mmg ngeri tgk dark secret sesetengah org nie. Tu ler, don't judge a book by it's cover. Actually that proverb always used by the means of positive things. But now, it can used vice versa. Everybody has their own dark secret. I hae my own too. Tapi xder la sampai bunuh org n tanam under bangunan. Juz bakar sarang semut n bunuh a few mosquito jer. Opppsss... I revealed it again. Wekekekekek.

So, what's your dark secreto...????