Xanotopia Version 1.0

The Realm Where Abijan Roam

Wednesday, December 28, 2005



Harini masuk hari kedua aku bekerja setelah bercuti panjang (5 days tu consider panjang la kan), and there is a lot of work that I need to do. Masa blaja dulu, mmg best giler kalau dpt cuti, and sometimes mcm x sabar2 jer nak tunggu cuti abis. Ye la, bole jumpa kengkawan, bole pegi kelas n memacam lagi. Tp biler dh kejer nie, kengkadang mcm malas nk cuti. Bila abis cuti n start kejer, mesti banyak benda yg pending. Inbox mail pun penuh jer dgn e-mail2 yg perlu direply. Well, I'm working with corporates, so everything need to A.S.A.P la. Hmmm, when it come to us it always asap, try to put on our shoes la, baru diorang tau camner rasanyer... hmmm...

Dlm masa dua hari nie jugak la macam2 benda berlaku, but I can't share it in here because I think I have to handle it by myself. Maybe I was born like that kot. At school, I was one of the PRS or Peer Councellor and it is my job to aid my friends if they have any problem. So automatically, I'm always be the one to hear and I stop being the one who tell. And maybe because of that also, I'm not comfortable to share any of my problems with anybody, even with my parents. I always keep my problem to myself and try to solve it on my own. But, I'm not perfect, not all of my problems were solved. I just let bygone be bygone and that's why sometimes my old problem come haunting me again... huhuhuhu... but not to worry, never think to do something stupid tho. Still can think straight. I still got Allah to comfort me whenever and wherever I got problem. And I hope I'll find peace in my mind... amin.



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