Xanotopia Version 1.0

The Realm Where Abijan Roam

Friday, December 23, 2005

Knock Knock...


Rasanya dah lama giler aku x menjenguk masuk dalam blog nie, eventhough the blog title 'Xanotopia : The Place Where Abijan Roam' namun itu semua macam x berlaku plak. Entahla, nak kata busy sgt, maybe kot, tapi orang lain pun busy jugak. Hmmm, maybe disebabkan bebanan kerja yang melampau dan waktu dan masa yang tak mengizinkan aku menjenguk ke laman yang satu masa dahulu pernah menjadi kegemaranku ini.

Sejak akhir-akhir ni, kerja kat office semakin banyak. And biler kejer semakin banyak, semakin sibuk la aku jadinya. However, in the positive side, more work means more new knowledge I've gain. Baru-baru nie, aku kena handle requirement study for our new project. Kiranya jadi "product champion" (this is what they call in my office) for a module in our new system. Well, at first, I was so worried to handle this kind of burden, tp sekang kiranyer ok skit la. Dapat jugak kenal org-org from department lain, and sedikit sebanyak dpt lah mem'popular'kan diri aku in this company. Hihihi, well we've got to move on right, so have to start from now lah.

As a new staff here, I felt very lucky to have such a supportive colleagues yg sentiasa menolong aku, eventhough sometimes the competition is very high, ya laa, most of the staff here are new, so need to show off a little la. So, in this show off competition, aku pun x ketinggalan. It's not that I like to show off, but have to. If not I won't be noticed by anybody. Tapi show off, show off jugak, kualiti kenala jaga. Ganbatte...!!!

Last week (ye ker last week, hmmm...), my colleagues and I had a conversation about our degree and other stuff. And sumer cakap, "Ruginyer budak IT masuk stream finance", hmmm, memang ada terfikir jugak kadang-kadang. Terasa macam ilmu yg aku pelajari selama nie ibarat 'Mencurah air di daun keladi' jer. Tp, bila fikir2 balik, not everything that we expect to be will be according like we plan (mcm dialog Corpse Bride plak). Sometimes we need to follow qada' and qadar yang Allah dah tentukan. Semoga perjalanan hidup aku selepas ini lebih baik dan berjaya... amin.

Hmmm, entry kali ni nampak serabut sikit la. Maybe sebab sekarang nie tengah dalam mood bercuti kot. Yup, aku tengah cuti sekarang nie. Alasan zahir, nak abiskan annual leave. Alasan batin, aku nak release all the tension yg nested in my brain. Hahaha. I think maybe I better stop before I start babblin' bout crazy stuffs. So, until next time (tak tau plak biler), stay Xantastico...!!! (<- Lama x guna ayat nie... :P)


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