Xanotopia Version 1.0

The Realm Where Abijan Roam

Monday, June 20, 2005


Assalamualaikum wbt,
Alhamdullillah, masuk hari ni, dah 20 hari aku bekerja. Memang bermacam-macam dugaan yang aku hadapi sebelum dapat kerja ni, dan Alhamdulillah, atas keizinan dan kurniaan Allah, dapat jugak aku kerja ni. Tak perlu la aku ceritakan apa dugaan yang aku tempuhi tu, juz wanna to say that, don’t give up hope too early. May be there are somebody who will let you you down, but always remember, wherever you go, whatever you do, whoever let you down, you still have Allah who always loves you. Banyakkan berdoa dan bersabar. Bukan senang nak senang, hihihihi.

Actually my job langsung takder kena-mengena dgn programming. Well, that’s why I love this job. It’s not that I hate programming, but I’m not really good at it. I’m prefer working in a job that requires my ‘so called’ IT skills without being asked to do any programming job. Hahahaha. Mesti ramai yg terkejutkan (terkejut ker…??? Takderla...) hihihihi. Tapi, mmg aku bersyukur dapat kerja ni. More like a ‘project manager + product support’ kind of job. It is kind of fun, but I’m still at a learning stage. Still don’t have any project to manage because I’m still new (of course la…), and so my main responsibility now is to to product support. Walaupun namanya product support, my job is just to assist the helpdesk to help the client and bertanyakan org2 IT dept server down or not. Wekekekeke. Nampak simple, but it’s not. However, it’s the path I’ve chose, so I’ve to struggle to go on. Still got a lot of things to learn and I’ve to improvise my English skills. Why everybody talking English in here yek. Wekekekekek…

Staff2 kat sini pun semua friendly giler. Sekejap jer dah mesraaaa (macam Bob AF2 la plak… nyampah..!!!). Kira ok la. Tak payah susah2 nak perkenalkan diri kat sumer org, diorang yang dtg kenalkan diri kat kita.


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