Xanotopia Version 1.0

The Realm Where Abijan Roam

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Expect The Unexpected


Alhamdulillah, dah sebulan lebih aku bekerja dgn kompeni nie. There are so many new experiences I've gained here and a lot of interesting person I've met. Well, it's not that easy. Ye la, an IT-background person trying to fit in a job with a finance environment. The first three weeks was like hell to me. I was like a new born baby that doesn't know anything. Everyday I was thinking, "What the hell am I doing here? I don't belong here. This is not the place that I should be working at", and to be honest, I almost thinking about quitting this job. Huhuhu. However, thanks to all the supporting and kind staff here, that feeling was gone, and I feel a lot better now. Their advices and guidance realy helped me gain back my confidence and now, I take this job as my challenge, as my goal to success. I've to strive to achieve my goal. And I'll work hard to gain and learn more and more new knowledge everyday. Ganbatte...!!!

Juz sometimes, it makes me think that not everything that we expect will come true. When the first time I set my foot at UTM, I was imagining that I'll be working with an IT company and doing programming all day long. I was always be dreaming that one day I can become 'Malaysia's Bill Gates'. I've also joined Tunas Saintis (a competition among MRSM that requires students to create or build something based on category) in Computer category two times. I also hate 'Prinsip Akaun' and 'Business Studies' during my years in MRSM & UTM, and always try to do my best in computer/programming related subjects. However, now, those two subjects that I hate are helping me to understand my nature of working. Hahahahah. It is so funny how fate works, right. Ya la, kita hanya merancang, yang Maha Kuasa yang menentukan. We as the servant should be thankful for everything. Eventhough not everything will be as what we plan, but we have to accept it as it is. And again... alhamdulillah for everything.

Well, I also like to thank my family especially my dearest parents, although I can't show my gratitude to my dad, but for me, he will always be there for me wherever he is. And to my mother who always standing beside me, comforting me with her love and care. May Allah bless you both. And to all my dearest friends (especially to those who are very committed in reading my blog... hihihi) thanks ya. Well, I'm not trying to be emotional, just trying to be thankful. Ok, stay Xantastico...!!!


  • At 12:36 PM, Blogger Ikhwan Hayat said…

    ur welcome ;)

    jarang masuk la brader, ko pun jarang update..

  • At 12:44 PM, Blogger beeXan said…

    hehehe... bukan malas nk update la bro... juz nothing to write la... slalunya compile one week punyer events then baru write dlm blog... hihihihi :P

    anyway, thanx for reading... :)

  • At 9:49 AM, Blogger Ikhwan Hayat said…

    ur welcome again :D muahahaha..


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