Xanotopia Version 1.0

The Realm Where Abijan Roam

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

EFS Annual Dinner 2005

Last Saturday (13th August), my group which is Enterprise Financial Services (EFS) menganjurkan annual dinner at Crowne Plaza hotel. Actually I am so lucky to join the group on June. Ye la, masuk bulan June, trus dpt gi annual dinner bulan August. Buatnya masuk bulan September, terus tak dapat join dinner. Hihihihi...

The dinner was soooooo happening, the theme was 'Twist n Shout' which basically based on 60's and 70's punyer theme. At first, aku macam culture shock sikit la sebab tak pernah pun join dinner2 yang ada theme nie, lagi2 theme zaman 60's n 70's. Selalunya kalau ada majlis pun, paling over pun theme yang mesti pakai baju melayu jer... hihihihi :P... So terpaksa la aku mengupah fashion designer and hairstylist (which is my mom) to 'siap'kan aku malam tu. Well, aku pun belum lahir masa tu (60's n 70's), so serahkanlah pada yang pakar... hihihi :P

Malam tu jugak aku di'paksa' join department punya team untuk buat show. Mementang la aku budak baru, so takleh la nak melawan... hahahaha... but ok gak la aku menari lagu 'Seiring Sejalan' and 'Let Twist'... siap pakai wig afro lagi... muahaahahahahah... :D And for the first time, I'm showing off my dancing skill kat public... wakakakakakak... bila tengok balik video yang diorang rakam... masya-Allah... adakah itu aku..??? hihihihi... N malam tu jugak la aku dapat my second lucky draw dalam seumur hidup aku... kira nya agak bertuahla... walaupun juz dapat voucher RM30... but it's better than nothing right... :P

So.. kat blog kali nie, aku selitkan beberapa keping gambar untuk tatapan sumer... enjoy ya... :)
Gambar Tarik-Menarik Antara Satu Sama Lain... hihihih
Gambar kat atas nie, adalah gambar aksi kitorang tarik menarik kat atas pentas... wekekekek... and my costume theme that night is... Samseng Kampung Baru... wekekekek :P
My Product Team-mates... yang baju hitam tu my boss yang baik sanggaaaaattttttt.... :)
Gambar yang ni plaks, gambar team-mates aku. Team Product Development yang sentiasa ceria dan kecoh giler... hihihihi... the lady in the black dress is our boss, Kak Liza, yang baik hati and ceria jugakkk.... (wah bodek nampak...:P).... wekekekeke :)

For more photos, visit http://abijan.fotopages.com.. stay Xantastico..!!

p/s: pictures credit to Shan Shan... thanks ya... :P


  • At 12:26 PM, Blogger Ikhwan Hayat said…

    Whahah.. accidentally, our last company outing also has dinner like this, 60's 70's theme also..

    But as I am cursed to be an anti-keseronokan, I just wear baju kotak2 only and didnt even participate in the show..

    Nice scarf (orang panggil muffler ke?) you got there.. :)

  • At 8:38 AM, Blogger beeXan said…

    Actually, bukan aku yg come up with that costume. My mother yg bersungguh2 sebenarnyer... hihihi... tp oklah tu kan... hihihi.. :P


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